Friday, June 13, 2014

Type Matchups: A Review, and Abilities of Immunity

You may ask: "What is this bizarre bingo-board-like chart on my computer screen?" Well, this is a chart showing all possible type match-ups (as of Generation VI). The Pokémon attacking is on the y (vertical, up-and-down) axis, and the Pokémon defending is on the x (horizontal, left-and-right) axis.

All of the white squares symbolize normal damage (hence the x1), which yields no message. The red squares symbolize half-damage (hence the x.5) created by the fact that the type of the move used against the Pokémon contradicts its type. This yields the message "It's not very effective..." as to warn off the use of said move against the Pokémon. The green squares represent double damage (hence the x2), which yields the message "It's super effective!" This is due to the fact that the move used against the opposing Pokémon is rather effective against the Pokémon's type. The case of a Pokémon being totally immune to a move is represented by the x0. This will yield the message "It doesn't affect the opposing/wild [species]..."

There are also some interesting exceptions to how Pokémon are immune to moves. Traditionally, this is because of their type and the type of the move used against them. However, some Pokémon are immune to specific types of moves, secondary effects of moves, specific moves, or even all types of move except for a certain type, due to the following abilities:
-  Levitate: Arguably the most famous, Levitate grants immunity to all Ground-type moves. This is especially useful for Pokémon like Eelektross (an Electric-type), which only has a weakness to Ground. With Levitate, Eelektross was saved from moves like Earthquake, which would otherwise end its reign of eel-y terror rather quickly.
- Clear Body/Big Pecks/White Smoke/Hyper Cutter: A Pokémon's stats cannot be lowered through moves like Leer, Growl, Screech, etc. (In the case of Big Pecks, it is only the Defense stat that cannot be lowered, and in the case of Hyper Cutter, it is only the Attack stat that cannot be lowered.)
- Damp: Selfdestruct and Explosion can't be used.
- Dry Skin: If this Pokémon is hit by a Water-type move, it recovers HP. (This effect also happens in rain.)
-  Flash Fire: Pokémon with this Ability are given more firepower for their Fire-type moves when hit by a Fire-type attack. They also don't receive damage from Fire-type moves.
- Justified: This one seems a bit weird to me, as an ability. When a Pokémon is hit by a Dark-type move, its attack increases. If you think of Dark as "evil," then I suppose it could make slightly more sense.
- Lightning Rod/Storm Drain: Just as the name suggests, Pokémon with Lightning Rod attract all Electric-type attacks. They don't take damage from these attacks, and also are given a boost to their Special Attack. Storm Drain works exactly the same way, except that it applies to Water-type attacks instead.
- Motor Drive: Essentially Lightning Rod, but boosts the Speed stat instead of Special Attack.
- Sap Sipper: A Grass-type equivalent to Motor Drive that boosts the Attack stat.
- Soundproof: An Ability I wish that I had myself (due to my auditory sensitivity), Soundproof lets Pokémon battle on without being affected by moves having to do with loud noises. This is sort of a specific list of moves that fall into this category, so I won't list them.
- Sturdy: A Pokémon cannot be one-hit KO'd by typical OHKO moves like Sheer Cold.
- Volt Absorb/Water Absorb: For Electric- and Water-type moves respectively, these Abilities allow a Pokémon to restore 25% (1/4) of its HP when hit by an attack of the corresponding type.
- Wonder Guard: A Pokémon can only be hit by moves that are super-effective against it. This is what makes Shedinja a bit of a pain at times...well, for some folks. (I always have my Hydreigon at the ready, and she always has Crunch.)

Whew, that was a lot of typing! (None of that was copy-pasted, though I did use a webpage as a reference guide to make sure that I didn't miss any Abilities.) Anyway, that's the review this site offers on type matchups.

1 comment:

  1. The chart came from a Google search, but is technically tied to an article on
