Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Updates Relevant to Scheduling

Hello! This is not relevant to Pokémon, but to myself as a human, if you're looking for the Pokémon content, you won't find it in this particular post. I realized that I had failed to mention that I will be away from the 27th until the 31st of July, as I am taking a mini-vacation with my family (which consists of myself and my parents). I will be taking my 3DS, but will be leaving my laptop at home. So, while I'll be playing Pokémon, I won't be blogging about it.

My school year also starts very early, on the 5th of August. While term begins much earlier than most schools, we have three weeks off for winter break, and begin summer earlier than other schools. It balances out, but there may be an absence of posts around the 5th due to re-acclimating to a school schedule.

I just wanted to broadcast that in case it seems like I've stopped posting for a bit...I'm still here; I'm just a bit busy!

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